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some ideas for the police force.

Bob Dangle

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Just a few ideas, i believe some of them have been mentioned before in some way.

- Radar in police vehicles: Track the speed of the vehicle infront of you and license plates.
- GSR Test: Gun shot residue test that may come back positive if someone have discharged there firearm. with a time limit on maybe 15-30 minutes.(after given time it will not be positive anymore)

- Criminal Records: So we can keep a track on repeated offenders, and to know who/what we are dealing with.

- Warrants: Something that can be handy to have if a murderer or robber gets away from you, you can issue a warrant for the arrest of the suspect.(if you have identified him) and you are going off duty, the next officer that goes on duty can check warrants and be ready to apprehend the suspect if he comes across him.

- Police boat or helicopter: so we can get out to the party yacht within a reasonable amount of time if shit hits the fan out there and not getting shot while swimming.(if heli, i do think it would need a hoist/rappel function, i dont think there is a place to land it on the yacht)

- Gag ability: mute function. Sometimes you pick up people who just screams all the way from sandy shores to mission row PD.(not often though)

- UC Buffalo: would be sweet to have another unmarked cruiser.

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47 minutes ago, Bob Lee said:

@SneakyAzShiite Any chance for a elaboration on "some of this stuff" or too early to tell? Thanks for taking a look though.

No, it's normally a bad idea to say "yes we will do this" because unforeseen things can come up whether its limitation, balance etc. Do not want to create false expectations.

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On 23-9-2017 at 12:38 PM, Bob Lee said:

- GSR Test: Gun shot residue test that may come back positive if someone have discharged there firearm. with a time limit on maybe 15-30 minutes.(after given time it will not be positive anymore)


I like this idea a lot but especially combined with criminal records it makes it hard to be a successful (successful in the way of not having any warrants after heist) criminal.

One way of giving professional crims more power could be with unmarked guns. These guns would be highly illegal and anyone caught with one would face serious jail time, but as a plus side, it doesn't show up on GSR Tests. Balancing this OP power would be by making the gun (and possibly unmarked bullets) very expensive. This way successful crims who know what they are doing see it as an investment. For all their future heists and stupid crims just face more jail time. Think of 3-5 times as expensive. Like making it not worth it if you are doing one bank robbery or such.


I know these ideas are put on hold for now, but you know.... just wanted to share this thought I had on the train today :)

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