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Court System

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So after being here for a long while I have noticed a lot of new things and updates on certain things and 1 change that I have noticed is that you have to get your BAR Cert to be able to be a lawyer and I have noticed a lot more RP going on with those and I love it so I was thinking about possibly getting a court system where we have a judge, a jury, lawyers on both sides basically like a IRL court case. I believe it would add more RP when it comes to arresting criminals and the whole system there. So for instance say Chief Tiller catches Mr. Green with Felony Speeding he would obviously do what he has to do and arrest Mr. Green take him down to MRPD and charge him for the crimes committed and set a bond so say $20,000 cash only bond, Mr. Green has the chance to get his lawyer and be able to pay the bond or not and await trial, say Mr. Green posts bail and gets out, he then gets a date and time for the court date that he has to show up for and go through the proceedings with the judge and the courts and either gets guilty or not guilty. I think it would be something that could be a great RP for those who choose to be involved and would add more to just getting arrested (pay fine and/or serve jail time) be done with it and then run out and do more criminal type stuff immediately.

I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks about this so if you have any feedback on this please don't be afraid to comment.



Mr. Green 

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I'd be down to experience this, it nothing else, at least be on the TRIAL run to see if it would even work. However, I forsee this being an arduous process. 


That being said, I could almost see this being one of those rotating weekly events where all the weeks crimes are spoken in front of a judge and jury. Akin to the lady's night type of thing where a good chunk of the server is involved. That being said, who can know the feasibility of this?

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People get arrested way too often for a court case to be viable, however it would be an awesome thing for *something*.

What that something is - I don't know.

However it would be cool if even just the base was there so civs could run civil lawsuits vs eachother. I don't know if there's a proper courthouse interior in the city but if that was added at least some people could utilize it, sort of like how some people utilize the bank interior on bank#7

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12 hours ago, ToddMurphy said:

 don't know if there's a proper courthouse interior in the city but if that was added at least some people could utilize it, sort of like how some people utilize the bank interior on bank#7

The courthouse, does indeed, have a full interior with a foyer, courtroom, and judges area. It's there just north of pillbox, I'd recommend going in and giving it a look. It's nice. 

Edited by Nate
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