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Debit Cards

Sammy Valentino

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I recently realized that I always need to go to an ATM in game to get cash out. The more I thought about this the more I realized that I don't even go to a ATM or bank EVER in my day to day life anymore. With the addition of smart phone banking apps and debit cards there is almost no need for brick and mortar Banks in today's world. 

That being said, I am voting for a debit card system to be installed into the server. This way when we go to a store, there is always access to the funds we have in our account. The way that we buy cars in game could be transferred to stores as well. This would eliminate the need for people to be driving around the city to find the nearest ATM since they were $38 short (cause they bought gas like my dumb ass does all the time) from getting what they intended too. 

What is everyone's opinion on this? Also how hard would it be to make devs? 

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It used to be like this way back when. I can't remember the reasoning behind the change to the current way it is, but either way I don't mind.
As much as I'd like to just buy anything and everything with just my bank card, I feel like we should keep it as is for a bigger sense of, I don't want to say immersion because there's little to no immersion from buying things in stores, but immersion Lol. It's more of a responsibility to make sure you have enough cash to get whatever you desire at that time, and not just hey I'm gonna just buy this because my bank card allows me to do so whenever I please.
Again, either way it goes it won't bother me. I personally would just leave it as is.

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+1 Mostly because PD and EMS things.  With EMS needing to buy pills on the fly and vests for PD.
Otherwise usually we got an ATM around a corner or two from most locations.

I just always wanted debt cards because I forget to grab money constantly and makes sense. I honestly don't keep cash on me anymore.
Not much anyway.

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Personally I like the idea of PD and EMS purchases debiting direct from your account (maybe treat it as it's coming from your paycheck).  I find myself carrying an unreasonable amount of money around so I can purchase my materials and get back on patrol.  The reality is that most of the times when we need to re purchase it's because we have been shot (from PD perspective) and have spent a considerable amt of time RP'ing on scene and at PD.   We then need to go to a bank to get money and come back for a vest and then go to the hospital.  While I don't mind a delay between the hostile activity and getting back on the road, there is already quite a bit of time built in with the processing and the need to go to the hospital to get fixed up.  With the new drug system I imagine it's similar for EMS (although I've been gone a week so really don't know much about it).

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Confession I rarely ever wore a vest when I was on PD a lot more in the past for two reasons. One of those being i couldn't be fucked to keep going back to the bank and buy a new vest every time I got shot it was more of an annoyance if anything. But to be honest... Not having the vest never really hindered my ability to be on duty either... You don't need the vest to do your job but it def is a bit of a mental security thing to have it. 

Edited by Kota Taylor
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Most stores have ATM’s. if I ever added this (which I am not in favour to do) you would be paying a decent amount in transaction fees. There are atms near all pd and fd spots. So if you get shot, need resupplies just think “do I need cash for what I want to do?”  And if so, stop at a atm before going to pd and fd. 

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Why would there be transaction fee's?  I don't receive transaction fee's when I go to the store. Maybe if I'm paying a bill, but not going to the store. Either way, convenience is everything. Carrying cash is a risk factor that I think would be unnecessary. On top of that, stores pay for the transaction fee's, that's why most stores have a minimum balance you have to spend. 

+1 to having Debit Cards.  and I agree, you should have to purchase the Debit Card, just like a key chain.  



EDIT: Just verbally spoke with a few folks about it. Nevermind. I get the purpose not having them. ❤️ 

Edited by Drop
-1 lol
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All in favor of adding debit cards if you make them an in inventory item that can be stolen or lost. Once stolen or lost some way to report stolen to cops and then any transaction made with the stolen card could set off an alert. This way not only are you adding something in to make lazy people  happy, but you are adding content for both criminals and PD. Just my 2 cents.

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